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The Leya experience #1 | it’s the future

2 October 1999

My years have arrived, that’s how I see it. Someone told me about the internet and I am trying now. My own website. I am not sure if I will be able to write all the time as I am a busy girl juggling between studying Philosophy and my job as a gogo dancer. A boy named Stan built this page for me and taught me how to post my own articles and pictures. It’s like my own newspaper, only on the world wide web. I am not sure what to think about it, but according to Stan it’s the future.

So my name is Leya. I am 19 years old and I'm a second year Philosophy student in the Dutch city Utrecht. I’ve decided to write this website in English, for my own practice and to build a larger audience in the world. According to Stan I am living a life that’s worth writing about. I believe he’s insane, but as always, I am keen to try the newest trends on the planet. Which now is the internet.

As I am writing right now, I am not sure whether it’s wise to write it with my own name, but I am all about honesty. New trends and honesty. So at this moment I am deciding that this is what you get. Leya, but different versions of Leya and it’s up to you to figure out which one is writing and who’s your favorite.

One of the reasons Stan is in awe of my life is my dancing career in clubs. As of September this year I am one of the main dancers in this club in the city to entertain and inspire the other visitors to do the same. Yes, I am the one with the hot pants, high boots and a colored wig giving my all on one of the high blocks on the dance floor. Moving like I own the lights and the music around me.

Another reason Stan thinks I need to start this website is my brain, which is always wondering and questioning about life in a unique kind of way. I met Stan half a year ago through an acquaintance I met through dancing. Stan is someone this acquaintance has invested in and Stan is now investing in me, thinking this is a great step into the digital future.

According to him I am living the life of a fantasy creature. He suggested creating one online, with him on the Leya Experience. It’s up to you, my dear reader, to judge whether he’s right about that.

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