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About me

Verawaty was created because I don't want to wait, it's that simple. Not wanting to wait for a publisher or other party who is willing to publish and sell my creations. This is a place where you can find and buy my stories and paintings.  


In 2012, writing really came to life for me and in 2019 I realized that fictional writing suits me best. After years of writing for websites, I devoted myself completely to my stories, resulting in the books Layla's Glinstering Honor and Conscience and June . These are clearly books in which I processed a lot of emotions that I wanted to give a place. In 2020 I wrote the book Het Droomhuis in the first months that the world was turned upside down by corona. The Dream House was published in 2021. I publish all stories in-house via Brave New Books and e-book platforms such as Kobo and Kindle (Amazon).


In addition to fictional writing, I also started writing more and more poems and microfiction. Short texts and stories that convey a message. I post these poems on my Instagram page Pherawatypoetry .


Creativity has helped me through a difficult period in which I had to deal with many disappointments and changes. Unfortunately, we cannot escape such circumstances in life. That is why I would like to share my experience and knowledge as a BSc Psychologist and Life Coach with those who are currently struggling to find their way. I present motivation and coaching on Instagram on the lvsoulfairy page. Are you also looking for a way to get more joy in life through creativity? Feel free to contact me and we will see how we can give creativity a place in your life together.

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